My Afrikaans roots were firmly anchored in the beautiful rose town of the
Free State. I’ve spent my school years in Bloemfontein and here my vision materialized shortly after I’ve turned twenty one. On a beautiful spring morning I woke up with butterflies in my stomach as I was about to proof my entrepreneurship of owning a professional Hair and Beauty Salon. Today I realize that determination and my passion for making others feel good steered me towards my vision.

In 2004, my life took a major turn! I downed tools after 32 years in the Hair and Beauty Industry due to certain health reasons. Needless to say I spiraled into a depression as I felt I’ve lost my identity. Life to me has always been a puzzle with a piece missing! Therefore I found myself being directed to give this search my undivided attention. I became an active seeker for those answers that could explain the complexity of life.

As the saying goes; “There is always light at the end of the tunnel!”

 At the end of 2004 Meta Varsity’s inspiring advert caught my attention and ultimately changed my life forever. Certain ideas and techniques I had learned on my journey were in fact having a profound effect on my awareness and ignorant way of living. Once I was taught the art of meditation I realized it was undoubtedly the missing piece to life’s puzzle as well as the pathway for my ongoing growth.

Today I find myself leading meditation groups and teaching the concepts and exercises that have helped me to face my challenges and solve personal problems.  Meditation has become like a road map leading me to spiritual clarity and offered me an opportunity to continue my passion only this time from within.

I am extremely grateful that my challenging situation introduced me to Meta Varsity. This group family accepted me unconditionally and gently lit a flame inside of me while I was looking for the deeper meaning and purpose of life. I hope to inspire others to tap into the essence of their true being as it brings about vitality and a balanced approach to life.

I now enjoy sharing my knowledge while I assist others during their self-development process. It is extremely fulfilling to make a positive contribution to the world and to my fellow beings as well as to improve and enjoy my own life.  It excites me to be part of the Meta Varsity Group and the global awareness today aiming to raise individual consciousness for the good of all and for our planet. I’m affirming the manifestation of a Global Meta Varsity!

This is a time of great transformation on our planet and everyone can make a significant contribution this life time. We all have a part to play and just by being willing to be our true, magnificent selves can allow the positive change we all deserve.

May the Divine Light awaken and purify my heart and bring enlightenment to all beings.

    Debbie Mosca

    Owner of Divinitus Therapy
    Hair, Beauty & Energy Enrichment


    May 2011